Hesitant to try your luck in the United States? Some people already have, and their successes speak for themselves. Find out more about them in the three-part video series created by the Telekom Hello Biznisz and HungarianHub team. Dávid Zsolt Csányi is the owner of a moving company in Central Florida. He believes that […]
Hesitant to try your luck in the United States? Some people already have, and their successes speak for themselves. Find out more about them in the three-part video series created by the Telekom Hello Biznisz and HungarianHub team. Sándor Papp came to the United States as an explorer, travelled through the whole country, despite the […]
Roadmap to U.S. market entry
Roadmap to U.S. market entry – Seminar for Hungarian companies on March 25 in Debrecen and on March 26 in Budapest Registration: Budapest Registration link Debrecen Registration link
Hesitant to try your luck in the United States? Some people already have, and their successes speak for themselves. Find out more about them in the three-part video series created by the Telekom Hello Biznisz and HungarianHub team. In this captivating video, we meet Arnold Kolozsvári, a Hungarian entrepreneur who defied the odds and became […]
Recently, Kossuth Foundation organized an informative event discussing the repercussions of the expiration of the international treaty on double taxation avoidance. Two distinguished experts, Dr. Zoltán Kiss (Ministry of Finance) and Dr. Dalma Kovács (Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe LLP), provided detailed insights into the impacts on the Hungarian and American tax systems, respectively. […]
Guide on Avoiding Double Taxation
The Kossuth Foundation invites all interested parties to its informational session on the consequences of the expiration of the international treaty regarding the avoidance of double taxation. Date: March 9, Saturday, 11 AM (EST) Location: Kossuth House, 2001 Massachusetts Ave, NW, Washington, DC 20016 Guest speakers include Dr. Zoltán Kiss, Department Head (Ministry of Finance), […]
The USA Accelerator Program collaborates closely with the UCF Business Incubation Program, and we are now guiding you to a place where all of this converges – the Volusia County office. Introducing the Volusia County Incubator: A cutting-edge, mixed-use facility supporting diverse early-stage businesses. Nestled at the U.S. Customs terminal in Daytona Beach International Airport, […]
Located in the heart of Volusia County, Florida, HungarianHub is a dynamic non-profit organization founded by Piros Pazaurek, a dedicated resident and business owner. Our mission is to foster cooperation and investment between Hungary and the United States, with a dual commitment to cultural appreciation and economic growth. Launched in 2021, the Hungarian Summit, now […]
Kezdjük a decemberünket egy igazi inspirációdús pillanattal! Csapatunk két zseniális tagja, Gabor Tovari-Nagy és Vujity Tvrtko, online színpadra álltak a Hello Biznisz eseményén, hogy beavassanak minket az USA-beli vállalkozás mágikus világába! Bár nem mi voltunk az esemény szervezői, de büszkén osztottuk meg, hogy két kiváló kollégánk volt az előadók között. Gábor és Tvrtko bepillantást engednek […]