Vadássz lehetőségekre az USA-ban! (Ingyenes online tájékoztató)

Applications, Bootcamp, Business, Business Growth, Florida, Florida market, Speedway Program

Az amerikai piac hatalmas lehetőségeket kínál a magyar vállalkozók számára, de a sikeres belépéshez stratégiai tervezésre, kapcsolati hálóra és helyismeretre van szükség. Az USA Accelerator célja, hogy ezt az utat gördülékenyebbé tegye, és segítsen neked az első lépéseknél. Miért érdemes az USA-ban terjeszkedni? Az Egyesült Államok az egyik legnagyobb és legdinamikusabb piac a világon, ahol […]

Startup túlélési arányok az USA-ban – Mítosz vagy valóság?

Applications, Bootcamp, Business, Business Growth, Florida, Florida market, Speedway Program

A startupok világa gyakran romantizált: a média imádja azokat a történeteket, ahol egy garázsból induló vállalkozás milliárd dolláros óriássá nőtte ki magát. De mi a valóság? Valóban olyan magas a startupok bukási aránya, mint sokan gondolják? Ha te is egy magyar startup alapító vagy, aki az amerikai piacra szeretne lépni, fontos, hogy tisztában legyél a […]

Meets & Greets Event!

Business Growth, Florida

Join us on December 14th, 2024 for a unique opportunity to network with local Hungarian business leaders and tour the ChainBridge Distillery!    Special Guests: Levente Magyar – Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade H.E. Szabolcs Takács – Ambassador of Hungary to the United States   Date: December 14th, 2024 Time: 2:00 PM – […]

Thriving industries and sectors in Florida

Business, Business Growth, Florida, Florida market

In our previous articles we explained thoroughly why Florida is an excellent choice for businesses wishing to enter the market of the United States, but what are those industries and sectors which really flourish in Florida, offering relevant businesses an ideal environment and a well established market to try themselves in? 1. Tourism and Hospitality […]

Hungarian Summit 2024

Business, Education, Florida, Hungarian Summit

Exciting News: Hungarian Summit 2024 – Mark Your Calendars! Tickets The moment we’ve all been eagerly awaiting has finally arrived! After much careful planning and consideration, we are thrilled to announce the official date for the next Hungarian Summit. Get ready to embark on a journey of innovation, collaboration, and community building like never before! […]

Moving Hearts – Dávid Zsolt Csányi

Business Growth, Florida

Hesitant to try your luck in the United States? Some people already have, and their successes speak for themselves. Find out more about them in the three-part video series created by the Telekom Hello Biznisz and HungarianHub team.   Dávid Zsolt Csányi is the owner of a moving company in Central Florida. He believes that […]

From Adventurer to Restaurateur – Sándor Papp

Business Growth, Florida

Hesitant to try your luck in the United States? Some people already have, and their successes speak for themselves. Find out more about them in the three-part video series created by the Telekom Hello Biznisz and HungarianHub team. Sándor Papp came to the United States as an explorer, travelled through the whole country, despite the […]

Sweating for Success – Arnold Kolozsvári

Business Growth, Florida

Hesitant to try your luck in the United States? Some people already have, and their successes speak for themselves. Find out more about them in the three-part video series created by the Telekom Hello Biznisz and HungarianHub team. In this captivating video, we meet Arnold Kolozsvári, a Hungarian entrepreneur who defied the odds and became […]

Virtual Tour at the UCF Business Incubation Program Volusia County Office

Business, Business Growth, Education, Florida, Incubator

The USA Accelerator Program collaborates closely with the UCF Business Incubation Program, and we are now guiding you to a place where all of this converges – the Volusia County office. Introducing the Volusia County Incubator: A cutting-edge, mixed-use facility supporting diverse early-stage businesses. Nestled at the U.S. Customs terminal in Daytona Beach International Airport, […]