Business, Hungary, Tax, United States

Recently, Kossuth Foundation  organized an informative event discussing the repercussions of the expiration of the international treaty on double taxation avoidance. Two distinguished experts, Dr. Zoltán Kiss (Ministry of Finance) and Dr. Dalma Kovács (Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe LLP), provided detailed insights into the impacts on the Hungarian and American tax systems, respectively.

According to the report, Dr. Zoltán Kiss, head of a department at the Ministry of Finance, outlined the consequences of Hungarian personal income tax at the event. Dr. Dalma Kovács, an attorney at Golenbock Eiseman Assor Bell & Peskoe LLP, summarized the American tax implications for the audience.

Dr. Tímea Borók, also a department head at the Ministry of Finance, virtually participated in the event, presenting changes affecting corporations. It is crucial to note that the responses and information shared during the event are purely informative and should not be considered official tax or legal advice.

The presentation materials used by the speakers are available at the following links:

The full recording of the event can be viewed on the Kossuth House Facebook page: Kossuth House Facebook


Participants received answers to their pre-submitted and on-the-spot questions, available in the Pre-event Questions PM Answers (DOC) document. For later queries, answers can be obtained at kossuthfoundation.org


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